Vacation Bible School - Zion Lutheran Church
June 16 - June 20, 2025
At Zion Lutheran Church, our VBS engages and enriches the children not just for the week but for a lifetime. We do not teach fairy tales to make VBS fun; God word stands alone, with real characters and true stories. We want Children to see Jesus clearly. We know that after all the glue dries and VBS is over the only thing that really matters is that children leave VBS knowing their need for a Savior and that their Savior's name is Jesus.
Take-Home Point! Each lesson, we’ll share a Take-Home Point to help the children to remember the grace of God and the great work He has done in Jesus Christ! Read the story with your kids. The daily letter home will have a picture of the lesson’s Bible story and where to find the account in the Bible. Parents can read and talk about it with their child. God’s Holy Word will make lasting impressions on the hearts and lives of families. Bible Memory Verse. At VBS children will explore, learn, and remember each lesson’s Bible Memory Verse. They will say the verse together often throughout each day. Closing Celebration. Plan on attending the Closing Celebration with your children on Friday, June 21st at 11:30. Younger children (accompanied with an adult) may even enjoy our closing celebrations each day Monday–Thursday at 11:30. Mission Project. As part of Celebrate the Savior VBS, we desire to share God’s Word with all people. Stay tuned for more information about our 2024 mission project. Lessons at a Glance <<<Click Here Bible Lessons will be led by Pastor Henry Praise team (youth and adults) as song leaders. Pastor Ziemann will start us off and send us on our way. Crafts, theme related snacks, and outdoor games. |